Sunday, May 24, 2020
Abnormal Psychology Mental Disorders Essay - 2400 Words
Abnormal Psychology: Mental Disorders Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a disorder that can effect anyone. It is the greatest the greatest disorder that effects teenagers. When someone is effected by the disorder it is not just that one person that has to learn to deal with it, the families of the patients must also learn to deal with it. There are many possible causes for the disorder with many doctors believing that there is more than one cause. What has been thought as the main cause for many years is a chemical imbalance in the brain. This could be an imbalance in the number of neurotransmitters and/or an imbalance in the amount of dopamine. Stress is not thought of as directly causing Schizophrenia, but often†¦show more content†¦Families also must play a key role in watching over the patient while there are undergoing treatment which usually consist taking medication in different amount until the proper amount is found. The constant research going on leads to putting more pieces of the puzzle together all the time. Using EEG ¹s it was found that the impulses sent by the brain to other parts of the body are not normal in people with schizophrenia. It has also been found that there are definitely abnormalities in the proteins of those suffering from the disease. Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which the effects who a person feels about the world around and even themselves. It makes them feel depressed and if left untreated suicide is often the result. Around 1.5% of the population is effect by some type of the disorder. Unlike many other disorders, bipolar effects a higher percent of those with a higher social status. Bipolar disorder usually comes on while the person is in their early twenties. It is thought that the disorder is  ³polygenetic ² meaning dependent upon several genes. This conclusion was reached because child who have parents with the disorder are up to twenty times more likely to suffer from it. Though the disorder can cause serious problems, many famous and successful people have suffered from it including Ernest Hemingway and Vincent Van Gogh. One of the major steps in treating some one withShow MoreRelatedAbnormal Psychology - Film Review - Mental Disorders in Fight Club1563 Words  | 7 Pagesand begins to realize that Tyler is a split personality of his own personality. The Jack/Tyler character in Fight Club can’t but be considered mentally unbalanced when a proper comparison is made to the characteristics of those said to be in good mental health. Jack/Tyler simply doesn’t feel good about himself; which is seen in the beginning of the movie when he’s attending a series of support groups for people suffering from a variety of health problems. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Drug And Alcohol Testing On The Workplace - 1663 Words
Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Due: Monday Dec 1, 2014 COMM-220-F Rebecca Walsh By Brett Tate and Brandon Bracko November 17, 14 Introduction People often question drug and alcohol testing in the work place. It is a controversial subject that has a range of mixed emotions. But where do you draw the line when it comes to crossing the boundaries of prying into one’s personal life? This report will explain the legal, and ethical issues surrounding the topic of drug and alcohol testing in the work place. Why should a company drug test? 1 in 10 workers (11%) reported using alcohol while at work and 4% reported using alcohol 4 hours prior to coming to work during the previous 12 months. (Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, 2003). 15% of employed individuals abused drugs within the past year. (National Survey on Drug Abuse, 2008 SAMHSA) Figure 1 – Supreme Court of Canada quote regarding a workplace random alcohol test rejected by top court. January 14th, 2013. ï ¿ ¼ Legal Issues Drug testing may be one of the most argumentative issues faced by companies struggling to develop fair programs to deal with the penalties of substance abuse in the workplace. Although there are many arguments that are supportive of testing, this section will be focused on the legal issues of drug testing and how it affects the workplace. Legal issuesShow MoreRelatedIntroduction Of Drugs And Alcohol Essay1392 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction to Drugs and Alcohol 2 Overview 2 I. Workplace Factors 3 II. Workplace Performance Behavior 4 III. Workplace Role 5 RECOMMENDATION 6 Workplace Policies and Drug Testing 7 Policy and Regulations on Alcohol and drug abuse 7 Employee Education/Health Promotion 8 Works Cited 9 â€Æ' Employer’s Guide for a Drug-free Workplace Introduction to Drugs and Alcohol In order to understand drug and alcohol use, it is important to be clear about what we mean by the terms ‘drugs’ and ‘alcohol. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literary criticism †feminism Free Essays
From the very point of creation, God made no difference between man and woman – both of them were humans, created in His own image, who had to reflect the beauty of heavens on the earth and share their love with the Creator and each other. Both Adam and Eve had to work in the Garden of Eden and take care of it. Disregarding the fact that Adam was created first, Eve was made as a helper, suitable for him, as a conscious and responsible personality. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary criticism – feminism or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the second chapter of the book of Genesis, we read that God gave all commands to Adam only, so he was responsible to retell them to Eve that she could fully understand the will of God and fulfill the commandments properly. She was made for Adam to help him, and apart from all other creatures, was called â€Å"flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones†(Gen. 2:23); therefore, they both belonged to each other and supplemented each other. Keeping their individuality, Adam and Eve, at the same time, formed a new unity, and this community was so self-valuable, that for its sake â€Å"shall a man leave his father and his mother†(Gen. 2:24). On the other hand, we can see the God’s order in the family: God – man – woman. As a leader in the family, Adam, at the same time, was subordinate to God, and both man and woman were subjected to the sovereign power of Almighty God. And only after their fall, the Lord God made a clear distinction between man and woman: â€Å"thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee†(Gen.3:16b). This leading role of man is proven by the fact that Eve had fallen into temptation first, consequently breaking the God’s order on the earth. Yet, man must take the main responsibility. But if the core predestination of man is â€Å"Literary Criticism – Feminism†work, woman is predetermined to bare children, be a mother, which is bound to pain and sufferings. Being in subordination, which was based on love, the fall of man has shifted it to the dominance of man over woman. But one should remember that it was not a new covenant of God, but rather a direct result of the fall. Since considering first of all the interests of man, who was permitted to have several wives, in the marriage husband had more freedom, comparing to wife. For example, one of the Ten Commandments claims that â€Å"thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife†(Ex. 20:17), for this kind of adultery was interpreted as criminal offence on the property of another man (wife is mentioned in this text between such things as house, ox, servant). Only in Deuteronomy the same text gives wife a separate place in the list of man’s belongings. The consequences for the adultery also differed depending on the social status of woman: death to man found with a married woman; trespass offering for maidservant; marriage or money penalty for a maid. â€Å"Literary Criticism – Feminism†Such strict regulations were called to prevent divorces; yet the adultery was widespread and was mostly noted in Proverbs. The offering of jealousy (offering of memorial) testified about the male privileges: man could demand this offering if he had the slightest, even groundless, suspicion as to his wife’s behavior (water could either cause the curse or not). Men were not subjected to this test. Divorce was also a sole prerogative of man. According to Deuteronomy 24:1, he had the right to divorce with his wife, if â€Å"he hath found some uncleanness in her†. This regulation assumes a number of interpretations: if in the beginning it was enabled only in cases of wife’s bad behavior, then, in the course of time, the bill of divorcement was given to man if his wife caused the slightest displeasure. For her whole life, woman was dependant: first from father, later – from husband, and, finally, – from son, with the exception of widows, whose children were under age. This position primarily guaranteed her the sense of security. Disregarding the savage customs (Lot, who was eager to give his two daughters to sodomites – Gen. 19:8, Levite, who gave his concubine to the men of the city – Judges 19:24-26) that were caused by the fall, women in Israel had deserving and full life, they were loved and respected by their men (1-Sam. 1:5,8) and children (Ps. 35:14) and were honored with public acknowledgement and praise (Proverbs 5:18, 12:4, 18:22; Eccl. 9:9). In Israel, woman held better position, comparing to other Orient nations. Women and maids of the Old Testament could freely and unconstrainedly take part in social affairs and amenities. Sara, though she called Abram as â€Å"master†, nevertheless, had persuaded him to take a concubine (Gen. 16:1-4). Rebecca had not veiled herself until she met Isaac (Gen. 24:64). Jacob greeted Rachel with a kiss before the shepherds (Gen. 29:11). Women participated in public celebrations, the songs of Miriam, Deborah, and Hannah (Ex. 15:20, 21; â€Å"Literary Criticism – Feminism†Judges 5 chapter, 1-Samuel 2:1-10) prove the highly developed intellectual faculties. Israeli women of the Old Testament also held official positions, such as the prophetesses Miriam, Huldah and Noadiah, and Deborah, the prophetess, who judged Israel. As a wife, mother and mistress, women are depicted in the most attractable manner. Heathenism cannot show the portrait of the woman that is described in Proverbs, chapter 31. Israel was the first one, who was taught by God to look at mother’s heart, as the likeness of God’s heart: â€Å"can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee†(Is. 49:15). The Law of Israel had lifted woman from that humbled state she was in heathenism. Yet, along with respect and honor, Bible gives us plain call to beware of foolish (Prov. 14:1), brawling, angry (Prov. 21:9, 19) and fair women without discretion (Prov. 11:22). First of all, woman was called to carry out duties of mother and mistress of the house. In these issues, man totally relied on her. In the house, woman could work and make decisions independently; she could manage her servants, who could belong directly to her (Gen. 16:1, 6; 29:24, 1-Sam. 25:42). Her primary responsibility was to raise children, at that mother’s covenant was equal to father’s admonitions (Prov. 1:8, 6:20). Women’s wisdom was highly valued and honored (Prov. 14:1, 31:26). Returning to Bethlehem, Naomi had the right to own the property of her husband (Ruth 4:3, 9), just as daughters had a part in father’s inheritance (Numb. 27:1-11), and Shunammite, the widow, was restored her house and field (2 Kings 8:1-6).  In contrast to men, women were not obliged to worship in the tabernacle regularly (Ex. 23:17), however, they brought the instructed sacrifices personally; they participated in celebrations and took portions of offerings. Women from priests’ families could eat offerings of the holy things; women and girls were praising the Lord with their dances and songs (Ex.15:20. Moreover, God gives especial revelations to women: the Lord has revealed the future of her sons to Rebecca – â€Å"two nations are in thy womb †¦ and the elder shall serve the younger†(Gen. 25:22, 23); Manoah’s wife was the first to receive the news about a son – â€Å"and the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman†(Judges 13:3); along with prophets, women were used by God to reveal His will to Israel, Miriam was the first mentioned prophetess, and â€Å"Deborah, a prophetess, she judged Israel†(Judges 4:4). So, analyzing all the texts and the mentioned above, we see that there is no single opinion, regulation and voice in Bible verses, regarding to women. Yet, one text gives us clear explanation to this issue: â€Å"In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes†(Judges 21: 25). From human side, we had seen the difference in male attitudes towards women: in some cases that were regarded as property, in others, as humans equal or with the same social rights. Sometimes, they were treated like a thing, but, in contrast, women’s wisdom, beauty, love and meekness are considered as the greatest gifts from God to men. Anyway, in all these texts, it is obvious that â€Å"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nether are your ways My ways, saith the Lord†(Is. 55:8). Due to the fall, thoughts and ways of men were perverted and devil is still making everything possible to make them wickeder; therefore, sinless relations between man and woman were totally changed, but God still looks at them the same way – the way they should be. Angels, sent to women first, prophetess, chosen to tell the will of God, offerings, brought by women – prove that God can use them, just like men, and sometimes, women were holding the same positions, even not taking into account that God is looking at Israel, as to His children, disregarding the gender, as the whole community of children of God. Therefore, the sole contrast between men’s and God’s attitude towards women lies in the notion that the fall of man brought the difference in the world and human’s perception of woman’s ro le in the society. Works Cited: Holy Bible, King James Version. Plume, 1974. How to cite Literary criticism – feminism, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Hobbes + Machiavelli Essay Example For Students
Hobbes + Machiavelli Essay Two of the greatest philosophers of all time are Thomas Hobbes and Niccolo Machiavelli. Hobbes was born in 1588 in England, when absolutism was taking hold in Europe. His most famous work was Leviathan, written in 1651. Hobbes discussed the ideal state and innate laws of man and nature, among other things. Machiavelli was born in Italy in 1469, a time when his home country was ruled mostly by foreign powers. His hometown, Florence, was still independent. Machiavellis most famous work, The Prince, tells of his ideal state and ideal ruler. Machiavelli goes on to describe the perfect prince, a picture of cruelty and cunning. Though both genius philosophers, their views differ greatly. Hobbes believed in a minimalist government where the state only interfered with the lives of the citizens when it had to. The ideal kingdom was the kingdom of God, in Hobbes mind. In Machiavellis The Prince, he describes his ideal government with a strong monarch, and fearful subjects. In Hobbes system, a close relationship was kept with God, while in Machiavellis reason was the only rule. The most important and most dealt-with area of dialogue is the ideal government. Thomas Hobbes idea of a perfect government was one of small proportions. All of the citizens of a country had a covenant, or promise with the ruler. This covenant with the ruler stated that the citizen would give up the right to govern his or herself, and give that right to the ruler. Hobbes idea of society arises from an innate competition between every man. Everyone seeks their advantage, and is always at war with everyone else for that advantage. These factions negotiate, according to Hobbes, complying with whatever principles will ensure survival for its members. So according to Hobbes, war is the natural state of man. Peace is only had by our natural tendencies to compromise, and survive. In order to fully understand the ideal system of government described by Hobbes, one must look at what the government is trying to accomplish. Hobbes goes into a long explanation of why men are different from ants and bees. Hobbes claims that men desire honour and dignity while lesser creatures have no desire for advancement. Secondly, Hobbes believed that ants and bees had no desires beyond what was useful for the group. This competitive tendency is what keeps man constantly at war, as described above. Third, man is unique in that he has use of reason, and can see his state as imperfect. Thus, man can enter into civil war. Fourth, animals cannot express concepts like good and evil. Fifth, humans have more of a propensity to improve themselves. Ants and bees cannot become discontent with their government, as they are content. Finally, the covenant of ants and bees is innate, while the human covenant is the product of human exertion. Hobbes says that society arises from the consent of the governed people, which is gradually concentrated in larger and larger units until it comprises the state. The mutual covenant made by the state and the people cannot be broken. If the covenant is broken by the ruler, it is injustice. The people then have a right to rebel. Since each gover nment modeled on Hobbes system sets an example, their case may inspire others. For example, the Parliamentary Revolution in 1642 would lead to the American Revolution, and eventually to the French Revolution. On the contrary, the covenant is rather impossible to break on the states part, because its reasons cannot be challenged by the people. But if the state is ruling barbarically, the people are free to rebel, and do. Hobbes realized that the citizens would no longer respect the state if it was no longer protecting their interests. The social covenant comes to an end when the state exceeds its limits and begins to abuse the rights of the citizens, such as in the early Soviet Union. Niccolo Machiavellis ideal state contrasts sharply with that of Hobbes. Contrary to Hobbes minimalist government, Machiavelli believed a monarch should rule the people with great authority, and make the subjects fear the ruler. This belief that the ruler should act without compassion marks the uniquenes s in Machiavellis argument. Also, Machiavelli was the first to view human history and human society as purely of man, without supernatural influence. To begin to describe Machiavellis ideal government, men are all considered equal and driven to the same folly. From this equality, Machiavelli deduced that one can predict the future from the events of history. To relate this to government, Machiavellis prince must turn to his contemporaries for a model. In The Prince, the vast majority is a description of fifteenth century rulers. His model is personified by Cesare Borgia, an Italian duke. According to Machiavelli, the state is the highest achievement of man. The state is a progressive and elaborate creation of mans free will, and is formed by a cooperation of the people and the leader. In order for this state to function properly, it must be the highest authority, with no superior. The state must be self-sufficient, and loved by the people. Perhaps more even than loved, the state was to be feared and respected. The people must not consider or doubt any justice or injustice given by the state. Nothing is to interfere with the authority and power of the state, or the freedom will be compromised. The ultimate strength and foundation of the state is its military power. Since all humans are fickle and selfish, they will soon forget any favors done on them by the government. So according to Machiavelli, the ruler must have enough military power to back up his authority. To rationalize this apparent disregard for human will, The Prince explains that the ends justify the means. An end is a goal, something that must be reached. A mean is the ways of reaching that goal. Hence, any goal that is accomplished is justified. For example, if the end is to have a respectful and obeying population, the mean may be to occupy the cities with military personnel. Another facet of Machiavellis ideal government is virtue. To be virtuous means to have courage, talent, strength, and int elligence. To be a ruler in Machiavellis ideal government, the politician must have virtue. Another part of virtue is taking advantage of opportunity. Machiavellis ideal ruler is the subject of The Prince. The ideal ruler is described in great detail, beginning with the concept of principalities. The Prince describes four types of principalities: hereditary, mixed, new, and ecclesiastical. A principality is essentially land ruled by a prince. A hereditary principality is one passed down from past generations, and is very easy to maintain. As long as the prince follows a conservative policy, the principality should be kept. A second kind of principality is mixed. A mixed principality consists of a hereditary plus new territories added by the prince. More complex, Machiavelli offers a guide for the ideal ruler to govern these. Since new territories are apt to take up arms against the ruler, Machiavelli proposes that the conqueror should occupy the new territory. Then, the ruler should set up colonies within these new territories loyal to him. Following that, the ruler should protect the weak while oppressing the strong, all while not allowing any foreign power into the new territory. A third type of principality is a new one. Most principalities of the Renaissance fall into this category. New principalities can be divided into four subgroups: those acquired by evil, those acquired by the princes own power, those acquired by anothers power, and civic principalities. The first subgroup is acquired through evil, and is frowned upon in The Prince. Even though these rulers show creativity, and sometimes even genius; they cannot be looked upon as virtuous or good. The second subgroup is conquered with much difficulty. Machiavelli uses Cyrus, Romulus and Theseus as examples of leaders to conquer new land. The third type are as easily lost as they are won. In The Prince, Machiavelli describes Cesare Borgias losing of his territory because his fathers influence vanishes. The fourth subgroup of new principalities is civic. A civic principality is one obtained by the help of the nobles, or by popular support. This type of principality should especially be noted by the prince, as nobles often want to become master themselves. Wrestling History EssayIn The Prince, the people were to be loyal subjects, bowing before the state. They should love the state more than their very souls, and serve it to their dying days. In Machiavellis model, the people were there to carry out the wishes of the state, and to try not to injure themselves in the process. People are also important to make up the military, which is the ultimate strength of the state. In Leviathan, the people are much more important, and even sovereign within themselves. The people are trusted with a laissez-faire style of government, and bow to the ruler only for security. Hobbes and Machiavelli both had revolutionary ideas about government and the essence of Man. Hobbes grew up in England, and had ideas concerning a freer type of government. His main work was Leviathan. Machiavelli was raised in Italy, and had other ideas. Machiavelli focused on how a prince should act in governing his country. Machiavellis main work was entitled The Prince. Ironi cally, neither Machiavelli nor Hobbes suggests a total democracy or a republic, like we use today. As much as Machiavelli and Hobbes are considered great philosophers, the modern government of the United States has proved to be the best. Words/ Pages : 2,404 / 24
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