Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What I Don t Have A Single Identity - 1907 Words
Daughter, student, journalist, sister, Catholic, middle-class -- that s just scratching the surface of what my identity is. As author Barbara Ryan points out, I know I don t have a single identity and I know it is not fixed, but I wasn t quite sure of what identity politics was. Thankfully, Ryan did a great job of explaining how our identities, as well as how we perceive other s identities, or how we allow for people s identities to affect the way we act think of and act toward them, can affect social movements. People s identities can also lead to the fragmentation of people of a social movement who might have a common goal. Reading this introduction and now better understanding how identities can aid in the buffering of people†¦show more content†¦I knew that the ideas I came up with would be difficult to achieve on my own, but I knew that with others, they were plausible. Because I ve has classes with my group members for four years now, I was comfortable enough with gett ing started with my idea sharing right away, but what if I hadn t known these other women as well? Would I have looked at their identities (skin color, socioeconomic status based on how they dressed, etc.), assumed certain things based on those identities, and then let those assumptions get in the group s way of cohesively working toward a common, shared goal? Maybe, and that s scary. Identity is of course important, for it helps us better understand ourselves and each other, but once we let identity create barriers between us and section us off into homogenous groups, such a strong focus on identity can, as Ryan suggests, prevent us from uniting with those working on a similar issue. Women are already marginalized, so let s not marginalize each other even further. That s my goal this semester. Journal Entry # 2: Who Am I If Not My Father s Daughter? Minnie Pratt s usage of a personal anecdote in her piece is a beautiful way to let readers better understand her, her story, her background, and her identity. By showing us a time that made her question her identity, we all feel relief in knowing that we are not the only ones who have
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Comparison of Realism in Uncle Vanya and A Dolls House...
Realism in Uncle Vanya and A Dolls House A play serves as the authors tool for critiquing society. One rarely encounters the ability to transcend accepted social beliefs. These plays reflect controversial issues that the audience can relate to because they interact in the same situations every day. As late nineteenth century playwrights point out the flaws of mankind they also provide an answer to the controversy. Unknowingly the hero or heroine solves the problem at the end of the play and indirectly sends a message to the audience on how to solve their own problem. Henrik Ibsen and Anton Chekov both provide unique analysis on issues their culture never thought as wrong. In the play A Dolls House Ibsen tackles†¦show more content†¦She believes that her forgery is justified through her motive. She is not a criminal like Krogstad because his crime was simply a moral failing and not for the good of his family. A morally unjustified crime is the only type of crime. Noras believes that her love for her husband is what propelled her to sign her fathers name and pass it off as his own. Noras motive is to save her husbands life and keeping it secret is to save him from pain and humiliation. If he knew, it would hurt his manly independence (p. 22) and upset Nora and Torvalds mutual relations (p.22). Nora knows that without forging her fathers signature she would not be able to save her husband. Nora uses her wit to find a way to be able to overcome the shackles placed on her by society and get enough money to save Torvalds life. In Uncle Vanya Chekov ends the play with Sonya and Uncle Vanya returning to their normal lifestyle and forgetting about the upset Serebryakov and Elenas presence creates. Sonya protests that she and her uncle will bear patiently bear the trials fate sends (Chekov p. 230) and work for others (p. 230). Sonya sacrifices her own happiness for that of her father and stepmother. Sonya exudes every positive trait that society contains. She sacrifices her life to work for her father without questioning his motives for leaving. She dedicates herself to her family and overlooks their flaws to help them. Sonya, Uncle Vanya,
Monday, December 9, 2019
Why Do We Admire Someone free essay sample
As we grow older, we find someone to look up to. Apparently everyone has someone that they admire. Most of my friends admire movies stars or athletes. Have you ever thought of about who you admire? Well, I certainly have. The person I admire the most is neither world famous nor a multimillionaire. I save my admiration for a special woman, my mother. She taught me to keep moving even though Im close to giving up, she believes that there is always something special waiting for me, you just need to have faith and believe in yourself. There is one time that I wanted something really bad but she said no and told me that want is different from need. She told me that material things are not important we should be happy with what we have and be thankful for it. During my childhood life there are times that I hated her because she often scold me, but then I realized why she does that because its their way of showing their love and that, it is not us that they get mad at its what we did wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Do We Admire Someone? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My mother takes a big role in my life. Without her I don’t know what would I had done with my life. I admire her for so many things she has done, she has overcome so many obstacles that she is more like a hero to me. When I was a little kid we came to the U.S. from Mexico because she wanted for us to have a better education. She knew it was going to be hard, but she has always wanted the best for me and my brothers. When we came to the U.S. and we were going to really bad economic problems. My dad check wasn’t enough to support the family so, she had to go and sell tamales outside church and in parking lots to put food in the table. There was a time were she had to sell all her jewelry everything she had so we can survive. If it wasn’t for all her hard work and effort she put in we would had never been able to come out of that one. That just one of many things she has done for me that’s why I admire her she is my mom and my hero.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Linwood Method and the Bio
The Linwood Method and the Bio-Medical Approach: T Essay wo of the Competing TheoriesRUNNING HEAD: Competing Theories for Treatments of AutismThe Linwood Method and the Bio-Medical Approach: Two of the Competing TheoriesFor the Treatment of Patients with AutismAbstractThe author of this paper gives and explanation of what autism is. He also tells you a b it about Jeanne Simons and why she created the Linwood Method and what it is. Then, in addition, you are given a description of who Dr. Jacquelyn McCandless is and her reasons for creating the Bio-Medical Method. She also gives the main idea behind the Bio-Medical Method. IntroductionI have chosen the topic of autism because I have a family member that, at the age of two, was diagnosed as being autistic. I wanted to understand why he acts the way that he does. I also wanted to know what kids of treatments are out there; maybe it could be some use to his family. I found two theories of treatment that were very different from each other. My goal is to describe what autism is and then compare then Linwood Method and the Bio-Medical Approach. We will write a custom essay on The Linwood Method and the Bio-Medical Approach: T specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now What is Autism?Autism was not classified as a separate syndrome until 1943 by Doctor Leo Kanner, a child psychologist at John Hopkins Medical School. HE described it as:Early onset- possibly from birth, but certainly before age two and a halfSocial and emotional impairment- often shows up at birthCommunication disorders- encompass both the development and the use of speechRetardation or deviance in cognition- with approximately 60 percent of people with autism having measure IQs below 50, 20 percent between 50, and 70, and only 20 percent having IQs 70 and aboveAn excessive need for sameness- with autistic children usually reacting to changes in their environment with great distressAbnormal responses to sensations- with these children often being overly reactive to sensory stimuli (Simons 4)There are other symptoms that are not included in this listing, such as, hyperactivity, abnormal sleep patterns, strong fears and phobias, delays in self help skills ( dressing themselves, toilet training, etc.), difficulties with balance and fine motor coordination, self aggression and violent temper tantrums. Today it is generally accepted that there may be several causes of autism, each producing similar symptoms. Among these are untreated phenylketonuria, rubella, celiac disease, and chemical exposure in pregnancy (Simmons)Children with autism are very distant. At times you would think that they might be deaf. A loud sound could happen and they would not even notice. These children do not create connections with people. They see the people around them more like objects to be used to get what they want. Sometimes they do certain behaviors over and over again, like rocking back and forth or repeating a phrase to themselves. It seems as of they are on their own little world that no one can get to, not even the parents and other family members they see everyday. I think you can see how frustrating and sad this might be for the families. The Linwood MethodThe Linwood Method focuses on the psychological treatment and behavior modification of the patients. Jeanne Simons started Linwood in the 1950s. She was working for Childrens House in Washington in 1949, when she realized that some of the children that she was in charge of did not fit into the category of emotionally disturbed, but they all seemed to have similar behaviors with one another. They were all socially and emotionally isolated. They set up boundaries around themselves. She thought that there had to be a better way to help these children. So, she worked with this specific group, not even knowing six years prior to that Dr. Leo Kanner had described their distinctive behavior. She started to work with a young man named Lee who had been diagnosed by Dr. Kanner himself. Through Lee she met Dr. Kanner and realized that she needed to create a residence to take care of these patients. Therefore, Linwood was created through a lot of hard work and sacrifice. .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb , .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .postImageUrl , .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb , .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb:hover , .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb:visited , .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb:active { border:0!important; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb:active , .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2375197ccd999b582acda8b174f071cb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Educating Rita Essay On TransitionThe first thing that happens when a child comes to Linwood is he or she is observed by the doctors. Since conventional tests dont work, this is the only way for the professionals to see if, first of all, the child needs to be there and second, if they child will fit into one of the groups that is already set up. There are many things that they work with children about. Relationships are one of the first items that they try to work on, because they want to try and forge relationships with the patients. Without some sort of attachment the child may not trust the doctor. Next they work on shaping behavior. When trying to shape a patients behavior the doctors have to pick an appropriate motivator. Each person will have something that when taken away will make them upset, whether it be the ability to go on a trip somewhere or a special food. Then they try to set limits. Each child is allowed a lot of freedom when they first arrive. Some of the patients have very self-destructive behaviors, like hitting themselves. There was on child that was described in The Hidden Child that hit himself until he had huge bruises across his chest. They also try to limit dangerous behavior, aggression towards others, destructive behavior, and naughty behavior. Next is getting rid of compulsions. Most patients have routines that they have to follow and if anything gets in the way temper tantrums will ensue. This process is to try and help them become more adaptive to their environment, instead of everyone having to adapt to them. Two of the hardest things that they have to do are developing language and thought processes and developing social and emotional skills. These take a lot of time and patience on the part of both the doctors and the families. Children with autism inherently do not have social and emotional skills, and very few have language skills. When they ant something they will either grunt and point or they will lead you to what they want. They have some wonderful success stories from the Linwood Home. Most patients have the ability to be taught to become a working part of society. Others have left there and have productive relationships and good jobs; almost if they had never had a problem. Not to say that this happens for a lot of them, it is actually very few. The Bio-Medical ApproachDr. Jacquelyn McCandless, the author of Children With Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder, had very personal reasons why she w anted to write this book. Her granddaughter was diagnosed with autism when she was nearly three years old. Dr.McCandless studied the way that hormones, vitamins and other nutrients help brains; this helped her to come up with the Bio-Medical Method. When her granddaughter was diagnosed she did not know very much about autism and set on her way to discovering just what it was that her family as going to go through (McCandless 8). When she started to research what other physicians had come up with, she did not like what she was reading. Since she had studied what nutrient depletion and lack of vitamins in diet could do to people she wondered what would happen if she tried it on a patient with autism. Her daughter was very patient and followed through with all of the suggestions of her daughter. Nutritional deficiencies affect every part of the body. I cannot emphasize enough that the brain does not function in isolation. It is a team player; it needs vital nutrients as well as informational input. To fill these needs the brain depends heavily on complex interactions between the immune, endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems. (McCandless 38) One of the eccentricities of some children with autism is being a picky eater. Very often they will only eat one or two foods and if they do not get them, temper tantrums are thrown. Usually these foods are not ones that are any good for them. They are more like French fries or pudding. With this lack of variety in diet, the autistics childs immune system is affected as well as the functioning of his or her brain. .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 , .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .postImageUrl , .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 , .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70:hover , .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70:visited , .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70:active { border:0!important; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70:active , .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70 .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua3294299930b1db00dcacadf1e813e70:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Selective Attention EssayMany autistic children have problems with their gastrointestinal system. There can be many causes of gastrointestinal problems in children with autism. Multiple studies have shown malabsorption, maldigestion, gut pathogen (fungal, bacterial, and viral), and abnormal intestinal permeability in many ASD children. Many parents do not realize at first that there is a connection between their childs autism and their gastrointestinal abnormalities. Unfortunately, many doctors also have not yet learned about that connection. Constipation and diarrhea, and sometimes both at alternate times, are frequently reported by parents, as well as abnormal amounts of gas, belching, and foul smelling stools. (McCandless 40)So, as someone can see, these problems would make anyone uncomfortable. By replacing the vitamins that these children are not getting in their daily diet some of these problems can be resolved. If the gastrointestinal system is not working correctly, it also affects our immune systems. Out gastrointestinal system is what flushes out all of the stuff that is no good for our bodies. So, if that is backed up, there is a much greater chance of infection and other things spreading and therefore, lowering the power of the immune system. ConclusionIn conclusion, this paper outlined what autism is and gives an idea of two of the possible treatment methods for autism. Autism is a very serious disorder. It affects the persons entire life and the lives of everyone else around them. I have seen with my own eyes how much patience it takes to be the family of a child with autism. It takes a very special person or group of people to handle it as well as I have seen. References Celiac Disease. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. 30 April 2003 and Disease. The National Center for Biotechnology Information. 30 April 2003 .section.234German Measles or Rubella. Medinfo. 30 April 2003, Jacquelyn. Children With Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide ForAutism Spectrum Disorder. Canada: Bramble Books, 2002Park, Clara Claiborne. Exiting Nirvana: A Daughters Life with Autism. 1st Edition. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2001Simons, Jeanne and Sabine Oishi. The Hidden Child: The Linwood Method for Reaching The Autistic Child. Maryland: Woodbine House, 1985
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Lives of Western essays
The Lives of Western essays Life on the east coast of America was very different than life on the west coast. Although it was the eastern settlers that moved west, the new conditions caused the their lives to change immensely. The east coast was more densely populated than the west. The personalities of each set of settlers was very different. The geographical variation changed the living conditions of the Americans. The wealth of the Americans also changed the living conditions. The east coast has been populated since the early 1700's by first British colonists, then Americans, and finally the Irish. The society established homes, schools, roads, and towns up and down the coast line. Cities were developed as more and more people came to America, and these cities soon became very populated. Because they had been living on the east coast for generations and generations, the eastern Americans were very established people. They were well educated, they were very religious, and they were also very conservative. The roles of men and women were beginning to be established at the work place and in the home. As industrialization emerged on the east coast, more people lived in the urban areas and were able to make more money. Because the climate conditions on the east coast were relatively mild (except for Florida and Maine), the eastern Americans were able to handle most weather conditions. The east coast is right on the Atlantic Ocean facing Britain, so they were able to communicate with their homeland the easiest. The east coast Americans were also very secluded due to the Appalachian Mountains bordering them on the west. However, some Americans felt that life on the east coast wasn't the best way to live their lives. News about the gold discovery on the west attracted many Americans. Eventually, people started to regularly migrate to the west and settle there. The people that did decide to do this were very adventurous and rugged. These risk-takers could make ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Interview Tucker Max dishes on the state of publishing
Interview Tucker Max dishes on the state of publishing "How I made Simon Schuster give me my own publishing company:" An Interview with Tucker Max As you probably know if you’re a frequent reader of this blog, there are now many ways to bring a book to market. Whether it’s in print or digital, self-published or through a publisher, with or without an agent, the choices available to a new author is almost mind-boggling. Tucker Max is different. As the author of I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, he ignored all the options available to writers and made publishers do what they’d never done before - give an author their own publishing company.In these times of great change, it's possible for authors to forge their own path - as Tucker did by picking and choosing the elements of self-publishing and traditional publishing that make the most sense for his book.Watch our interview with Tucker - or read the transcript below - for some inspiration! How publishing worked 15 years agoHi Tucker, it’s great to have you with us today. Let’s start from the beginning - can you tell us from the early days when you started to write and wanted to get your stories out into books?Tucker: Yeah, I started in writing in a totally different era (2001). I used to send emails to my friends, and they thought they were really funny. They kept telling me, †you need to publish this. This needs to be a book." Question 3: Why is that audience going to care? What are you going to say that's interesting and valuable to them?If you cannot answer those three questions clearly, then don't write a book.Now let's say you can answer those three questions. I would say that for almost all non-fiction, the best bet is to self-publish. That way you get to control the rights to the book, and you can use it to promote whatever it is you're trying to promote. As soon as you go traditional, you have now sold the rights and royalties to that book to someone else. So you can't give copies away. If you're trying to do speaking gigs with the book, you've got to buy the book at price from your publisher.If you want to do excerpts, if you want to use the content other places, you don't own the content anymore, the publisher does. And they don't care about your business at all. They care about selling actual copies of the book. So for most non-fiction authors, their goals are not aligned with a publisher’ s goals. So that's why going self-publishing is the better route, for almost all non-fiction authors.Photo credit: Mac Danzig.If you're a non-fiction author, do you agree with Tucker's take on publishing? What has been your experience of working with a traditional publisher, if any? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Report 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Report 2 - Essay Example c Growth that significant developments in the trade across the Atlantic Ocean only acted as the catalyst for the strong rise of Western Europe after 1500. That is, European countries on the West side had number of ports along the Atlantic Ocean, and these ports facilitated substantial trade with the New World, Africa, and Asia. This trade aided the merchant groups and the monarchy to become strong forces, gaining not only financial resources but importantly political clout. As Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (551) point out the trade opportunities made the monarchy to ally with the merchant groups, and both were the â€Å"main beneficiaries of the early profits from Atlantic trade and plunder,†and no anti-establishment groups favoring changes in political institutions could become powerful enough to challenge them. In addition, due to this heightened trade in the Atlantic Ocean, ports cities underwent urbanization, thereby even changing the ‘physical outlook’ (infrastructures) of Western Europe. Although, anti-establishment groups could not do anything, the merchant groups started becoming a strong force due to the economic clout they had, and even started dictating terms to the Monarchy. â€Å"Atlantic trade strengthened merchant groups by constraining the power of the monarchy, and helped merchants obtain changes in institutions to protect property rights.†(Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson 546). These changes mainly led to subsequent positive economic growth that was particularly witnessed in Western
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Pain from Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts by David Wessel and Bob Assignment
Pain from Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts by David Wessel and Bob Davis - Assignment Example Mr. Alan S. Blinder a former Federal Reserve Board vice chairman along was a protagonist of free trade along with many other economists. Such a turnaround stems from the echoes of resentment among the employed middle class on the threat posed to their secure employment through the estimate â€Å"30 million and 40 million jobs are vulnerable†. Free trade was touted as good for American business and American consumers. American businesses were expected to do better from using the cheap labor in the developed worlds, while the America consumer would benefit from the lowering of costs. Yes, free trade has done that, but the average American consumers are losing employment from outsourcing of jobs that were not expected to leave the shores of the country. Manufacturing was anticipated as the major aspect of outsourcing, while the expectations were that white collar jobs were would not be affected. However, the actual story has been different along with outsourcing of manufacturing there has been a strong flow of white-collar jobs to countries like India and China, where the skill sets for these jobs are present and cost less. So why did this happen? It is not that free trade is bad, but the changes that would result were not truly anticipated, hence the preparations to face the challenge of change was not adequate. Mere retraining of employee skills is insufficient. The instilling of higher knowledge and skills has to go down to the grass root level, which means that appropriate changes to education have to be put in place.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Critical Thinking and Ethics Essay Example for Free
Critical Thinking and Ethics Essay What is the relationship between ethics and critical thinking? Critical thinking and ethics are used in everyday life. I think it best that we define the two terms before we get deep into the discussion. The Merriam-Webster dictionary says ethics is â€Å"the discipline dealing with what are good and bad with moral duty and obligation†and Dictionary Reference say critical thinking is â€Å"disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence†. These could both be further defined by saying they are the ability to make good or bad choices and the act of thoroughly thinking through a decision. Critical thinking and ethics decisions are life skills. Critical Thinking There are six levels in the critical thinking process. They are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. The majority of people use the first four levels in day to day life. The final two levels are probably used in more complex problems and more time will be required in devotion to applying these steps. Critical thinking is used in our day to day lives. We make multiple decisions in a day’s time. Some of these decisions are routine and some require more effort and time. We learn to evaluate things at a young age and most likely pick up most of our problem solving skills from our parents. When you hear the term â€Å"critical thinking†your first thought may be negative but critical thinking should not be thought of as â€Å"being critical†but rather â€Å"think critically†. During our life there will be times when we need to make decisions that can be life altering. A few examples might be buying a new car, choosing courses at your university, or deciding between a two jobs. Everyone can relate to the stress of buying a new car. This is a decision that could affect you for the next five years and it’s a decision that should not be taken lightly. My decision to buy the car may have a different outcome if I start the process with questions as opposed to making a emotional purchase. Those questions might look something like this, â€Å"What type of car do I want?†, â€Å"What amount of payment can I afford?†, and â€Å"What is the best car make?†. All of these questions will determine the outcome. Answering all these questions will allow me to make an informed decision. Ethics We stated earlier that ethics deals with knowing what is right or wrong. We do the right thing because it is the law, because it is what we were taught, or because we listen to our inner voice. I used a personal evaluation tool earlier this week called the ethical inventory list. This was an activity to help me better understand the values that influence my decisions. This tool produced some shocking results which I was surprised to see. My preferred ethical lens was Reputation. I do care what people think and this has motivated me to excel in all things I do. My blind spot was revealed during this exercise and was identified as â€Å"unrealistic role expectation†. I had to read the definition twice to fully understand it and I still need to do more research. In short, I put too much value in the role (position) a person holds and that can cause you to forget that people make mistakes. My father was a law enforcement officer. I was taught what was right and wrong at a young ag e. My father took this to the extreme at times because he saw more bad than good while assuming his daily duties. I have always been known as the guy that will make the right choice even if that choice is the hard choice. Ethics apply to the professional world and well as the social sector. I work for a large heavy equipment manufacture. Ethics is one of our core values. The company makes ethical choices that affect the entire world. A few examples are promoting safety, recycling, emissions, and renewable resources. Do these topics cross your mind when you think of the largest heavy equipment manufacturers in the world? They may not but it is the professional right, the ethically right thing to do. When I first started working for the company I was surprised at how much emphasis was placed on safety. They require wearing PPE (personal protection equipment) and have mandatory monthly safety training. The company recycles everything. They recycle all metal products, cardboard, plastics, wood, and even personal trash has to be sorted. Professional companies maintain high ethical standards because it is the right thing to do for their employees and customers. Social ethics is doing what is right for the people around you. When I think of social ethics a couple things come to mind. First is the â€Å"adopt a highway†sign that you see along the roadway when you drive home. Groups of people come together for no apparent reason besides keep the world a cleaner place. Is this the right thing to do? Sure it is. Another example is the groups of people that come together at public parks to do maintenance and clean-up work. Chances are they do not live in the neighborhood, nor do they have children that play there. Why do people strangers come together sacrificing their free time to volunteer for activities like these? There is one answer. They are the ethically right thing to do. Conclusion Ethics are a vital part of survival but we need to be reminded ourselves that ethics change as the world changes. Things that used to be considered in a negative manner is now accepted by society. However, we still need ethical decisions in order for us to thrive as a community, a society, and a civilization. References Ethics [Def. 1]. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster Online. In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved October 16, 2014, from Critical Thinking [Def. 2]. (n.d.). Dictionary Reference Online. In Dictionary Reference Online. Retrieved October 16, 2014, from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Laurence Sternes Tristram Shandy :: Personal Reflection Essays
Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy Perhaps it is no more than the accumulation of years, the simple passage of time that accounts for the recent turn in my thoughts towards the manner in which the events of my life have occurred and brought me to what I politely call "the current state." After all, when those accumulated years require the placement of a number with (to my thinking) the heft of a 29 in front of them to be described, and there is (again, to my thinking) so little to show in the way of accomplishment for so great a span of time, well, a fellow can't help but begin to wonder "how?" or, more to the point, "why?" These recent thoughts of mine dovetail nicely with one of the themes in Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy: the randomness of life. Although an acceptance of the randomness of life may seem somewhat frightening at first, with all it portends for the futility of human planning. I think the opposite case is more frightening still. Personally I would hate to think that the sequence of events that have led me to the current state have happened by design. That, trust me, is the truly frightening thought. Sterne highlights the theme of the randomness of life by exposing the ridiculous extent to which events can be linked by cause and effect. For example, the flattening of Tristram's nose can be traced back in an almost straight line from the end of Dr. Slop's forceps to the marriage articles between Mr. and Mrs. Shandy. The articles stated that Mrs. Shandy should be permitted, when pregnant, to lay in (if she chose) in London. This right, however, would become void if she should cause Mr. Shandy to go to the expense of a journey to London without her being pregnant. Unfortunately she takes such a trip and, as a result, is obliged to lay in at home during her pregnancy with Tristram. When her time comes, Dr. Slop is called in and, consequently, Tristram's nose becomes caught in the doctor's forceps and is flattened. Tristram, therefore, sees the weight of the marriage articles as falling directly upon him. This judgment may appear absurd as the connection between the articles and the nose is somewhat tenuous, but I can understand it.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Premarital Sex Essay
Sex is an expression of love, a feeling of intimacy with a loved one, God’s given gift so that we can procreate. It is nothing to be feared or to be ashamed about. However, it is a double-edged whored which when held improperly could spell more disaster than of help. Studies have shown that more and more teenagers are now engaging in casual and even unprotected sex. The dangers of these actions are enormous. These include unwanted pregnancy, shot-gun marriage, abortion, the risk of sexuality transmitted diseases, single parenthood, depression, suicide, and many others. But the most apparent and most striking is the degradation of our standards of morality. see more:scope and delimitation sample for research paper Statement of the Problem This study aimed to determine the Perception of MMSU-CTE Students towards Premarital Sex. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is Premarital Sex? 2. What are the common reasons of engaging Premarital Sex? 3. What are the usual effects of engaging Premarital Sex? a. Advantages b. Disadvantages 4. What are the merits in not engaging Premarital Sex? Scope and Delimitation of the Study This research was conducted at Mariano Marcos State University-College of Teacher Education, involving thirty (30) students. The said respondents were asked to share their personal perspectives on the research topic. Since, this study was conducted in the second semester of Academic Year 2012-2013, where in the 4th year students are taking off campus teaching. Students from 3 year levels (first year, second year, and third year) were taken as respondents. To supplement the gathered data from the respondent, the researchers accumulated related information principles, theories, and results of related researchers from available published references from the library and the internet. Significance of the Study This study aimed to find out the certain reasons of engaging Premarital Sex and its effects. This study was intended to provide information that can help and encourage youth to plan for their future.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Describe and explain why the rainforest is being destroyed and what the effects of this are?
The rainforest in South America is a vital resource but it is being destroyed at a rate of 1/2 a million trees an hour. In this essay I aim to investigate why this is happening and the long term effects of it. Clearances for farming and ranching are being made but, without the knowledge that the natives have, they are being done in an unsustainable way. First, they remove the trees and burn them hoping to enhance the fertilization of the land. Secondly, grass seed is sown. In time the soil becomes infertile so the farmers either move or expand their land destroying even more forest. This continues in a circular pattern; neither forest nor farmer benefit. Underneath the rainforest many minerals are found. Mining companies start to mine for these, but when these run out the companies abandon the mine leaving a large, ugly scar in the rainforest. Commercial use of the river also destroys the rainforest. To provide energy for all the mines and farms etc. the river is dammed. In doing so it destroys millions of trees, killing animals which have made their homes in the vegetation and surrounding area. With the decomposing bodies of animals, the water soon becomes toxic and unsafe for human consumption. This directly affects the natives who use the water for drinking, washing and cleaning. Widespread rainforest clearance, mining of minerals and damming of rivers all affect the rainforest and most importantly the quality of soil. When trees are stripped away the soil's natural fertilization pattern is also destroyed: the soil becomes infertile very quickly. This means that rainforest that was once there can never be grown again. It is lost forever. The river water soon becomes polluted with toxins and also from the chemical waste from industries. The dam becomes clogged with sediment from the mines. Most of the wild life is killed when the trees are felled and the rivers dammed. The native people are pushed out of their homes by big businesses expanding the vast amounts of land they already have. A massive infrastructure project known as â€Å"Avanca Brasil†(Advance Brazil) threatens the very existence of the Amazon rainforest. The proposed project will upgrade and construct new roads into the interior of the Amazon basin; facilitating increased logging, mining and settlement. The project is likely to ensure final loss of the World's largest rainforest. Unchecked de-forestation and destruction of the Amazonian rainforest poses an ecological disaster both for Brazil and the rest of the world. With less rainforest to absorb CO2, there is a build up of CO2 in the atmosphere. This creates a â€Å"blanket†which traps more outgoing long-wave radiation causing the earth to warm up. This is known as â€Å"global warming†. Therefore de-forestation affects not only the natives but all of mankind. The issue of de-forestation is global in another context: capitalisation. For example, the cleared grassland may be used to raise cattle to supply beef for McDonalds. The impact of large capitalist, multi-national companies like McDonalds (also mineral and pharmaceutical industries) cannot be underestimated. Sustainability is a priority if we want to keep the rainforest. Sustainable farming methods, like those of the natives, should be used. Mining should be kept to a minimum and roads should be small and few. Logging should only be allowed in a sustainable way ensuring that new trees are planted to replace those which have been felled; the new trees must be planted within a certain amount of time before the fertilisation of the soil is lost. These simple steps should ensure that the small amount of existing rainforest remains.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Factors That Contributed To Euro Disneys Poor Performance Tourism Essay Essay Example
Factors That Contributed To Euro Disneys Poor Performance Tourism Essay Essay Example Factors That Contributed To Euro Disneys Poor Performance Tourism Essay Paper Factors That Contributed To Euro Disneys Poor Performance Tourism Essay Paper Ignoring the Gallic civilization of being the universe s biggest consumers of vino, the direction of Disney still hung on their we know best strong belief. Male employees had to maintain good groomed as the American directors wanted in this manner. Their insensitiveness to the Gallic civilization led to a really bad start even though they did relent in some countries such as leting females employees to have on brilliantly coloured nails Polish and leting doghouses for the quest pets. The Gallic would neer woolgather of go forthing their pets when traveling on holiday. ( Cateora A ; Graham, p 615 ) Decision: the major factor that contributed to their hapless public presentation, during their first twelvemonth of operation can be narrowed down to marketing surveysm, which lead to ethnocentrism and ego mention standard. 3.1.2 RECOMMENDATION, PROPOSE STRATEGY AND SUGGESTION TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION AT EURO DISNEY. There are several agencies in which the governable factors could be avoided in other to show Euro Disney the success it needed at the first twelvemonth of concern. This means are suggest and proposed as follows: The rescue of advertisement to the clients, non on the physical composing of merely the country entirely, but on the resources and service that a client will acquire from patronizing the resort. Ad should be careful controlled. Society needs to do certain that people are non taken in by misdirecting advertizement. There is a set of rules that all advertizers must follow ( Roman A ; Mss, 2003, p.200 ) : State the truth, show the truth- the merchandise should look precisely the same manner as the consumers will buy it Make the general feeling truthful- Advertising is judged non by what it says, but what consumer s thinks it says . ( p.201 ) Ban weasels and swinging companions- All sentences must be clear. Substantiate merchandise claims- must supply evidenced that the claim is true. Back testimonies with research. It is important that transverse cultural communicating, concerted decision-making and collaborative job work outing be implemented in transnational corporation direction like Disney. It is of import that the direction of a transnational corporation work together to get the better of boundaries and differences and to be able to pass on, and collaborate in order to efficaciously work together, communicate, do determination, and work out jobs as a individual entity as globalization does simple that. This brings the universe together. The EuroDisney could utilize the aid of the Disney in Turkey in other to be able to manage the cultural difference in Gallic. By understanding the Gallic civilization, EuroDisney will be able to convey constabularies that will be accepted by the Gallic clients. The Gallic cherish their civilization that it is of import for EuroDisney to able to accommodate the civilization and avoid cultural ego standard, instead seek to understand the civilization of the G allic. Make usage of their figure one plus which is human resource in order to use the best attacks and method and focal point on both macro and micro economic sciences of the planetary concern. The direction from the caput quarters subdivision ( in this instance, direction from the United State ) can non make this alone but will accomplish success if he learns from those in the assorted parts of the universe and learns from those who are experts in the assorted locations and civilizations in which they live and work. They will next, approaches communicating, gross revenues, clients services, find solutions, developing advanced tactics, and so on. The best manner in pull offing a diverse gross revenues squad is to integrate the gross revenues direction from each country and authorising them and larning from them, this system will assist the Euro Disney to get the better of the cultural differences and policies that are non suited for the Gallic workers. By and large as direction, it is of import to hold a general cognition of domestic activities and policies, and to understand the assorted civilizations and operations of the gross revenues force outside of the United States. This can merely be accomplish by utilizing human resource from which are familiar with the civilization of Gallic, company, and civilizations, how concern is handled in different parts of the universe, changing company policies and operations ( although the company is an entity, policies and modus operandis vary somewhat, if non highly, in order to suit the differences ) , linguistic communication and cultural differences, assorted gross revenues methods, preparation, client service, account direction, follow up processs, cardinal history direction, and so on. Can merely be handled by working with the assorted gross revenues squads and utilizing their expertness. Decision: The above mentioned proposed recommendation will undertake the hapless public presentation at Euro Disney. The first recommendation should be the market research and study, which will undertake the staffing job, cultural issues and outlining and presenting of effectual publicity, 3.2 Question 2 3.2.1 The factors that could hold been foreseeable and controlled by Euro Disney or the parent company. Taking a expression at the above mentioned factors that lead to the hapless public presentation of Euro Disney in their first twelvemonth of operation, some of the factors were perchance foreseeable, while some were non foreseeable and unmanageable. A company repute and size of Disney is allowed no room for errors. The bets involved are one million millions of dollars. Complementary concerns like that of the hotel industry are reliant upon the success on the success of this squad park in Paris. Generous financess received from the authorities and private establishments would hold to be made good of. Disney should be able to anticipate the unanticipated. When Euro Disney was established the consideration taking into history is the geographical country and civilization every bit good. However Disney established the Euro Disney based on the nature or American thought, they expected the Europeans to move as Americans and boom over freshly designed subject park. They forgot that they were bring forthing a monolithic subject park bigger than any other subject park in Europe for the American outlook. They could hold calculated the exchange rate, and did non cipher the European civilization. They could hold foreseen the jobs mentioned in the above hapless public presentation factors listed. Factors such as those mentioned above are non categorized as the unanticipated ; instead they are being classified as the expected factors, which Euro Disney or the parent company Disney should hold detected. Economicss, political relations, civilization complemented and associated with in depth analysis of the 4P s follow the basic rules of selling. Disney should hold foreseen the altering economic scene in France with the extroverted European recession in 1991. The relationship with the Gallic authorities should hold been handled with greater attention and daintiness, because of the size of the investing involved and finally, the figure of occupations dependant on the success of the Euro Disney. Looking at civilization, the parent company can coerce itself on another people, looking at the cultural profile of the French, which in this instance was the European continent. Disney promoted its merchandise, the subject park similar to that of Tokyo Disneyland in Japan believing Europea ns wanted their piece of Americana. In international selling, the demands and wants of the consumer are being indentified, the bundle presented by Disney to their client meet neither their demands nor wants. Disney true success lies in accommodating to the encompassing civilization of the Gallic and Europe as a whole, being selling oriented in happening success in client satisfaction. Disney failed in both facets. Culture is broad and alteration occurs when opposition easy outputs to acceptance, so the footing of opposition becomes unimportant or forgotten, which means that on the portion of the European community, we are certain to see via media, but over a period of clip. Disney excessively has to accommodate with the environment it has settled in. we read in the instance that Disney does finally repair it ways. Making room for uninterrupted alteration is the best manner to travel about its concern. Decision: most of the factors that lead to the hapless public presentation of EuroDisney in their first twelvemonth of operation were foreseeable which are the staffing job, advert job, and cultural differences and so on, where some factors were non, such as the economic recession at that clip in Europe. 3.3 Question 3 The cross-cultural selling accomplishments of Disney The job was that in the beginning, transverse cultural selling accomplishments were non used and employed. Taking for illustration, Disney executives were told that French did non take breakfast in the forenoon, which lead to downsize but surprisingly, the Gallic do eat breakfast. Cross cultural selling would hold allow the directors know that the Europeans were more energetic and covered more of the Euro Disney subject park and drives than those in the western hemisphere. Therefore, alternatively of the usually three yearss stay at the Disney American subject park, the corsets were usually shortened to two yearss stay. The European holiday imposts were non being examined so the subject park did non see net incomes and success as hoped. Americans take short interruptions but they take the more frequently. However, Europeans take one month for vacation. The American directors thought that the Europeans would alter their one month tradition and follow the Americans shorter yet more frequent clip off but did non go on. The Gallic agenda remains the same and they would shut the office and mill during the full month of August, which was contrary to what the American bash. These factors should hold been considered. Cross cultural selling would hold been highly utile but the parent company executives were being rather ethnocentric and it cost a great monetary value. ( ibid, p.615 ) needed to state, their cultural selling accomplishments were unsatisfactory, in fact, nonexistent. Had they had any accomplishments of this kind, the beginning would hold been a success and non such a failure at the start. Therefore, we can state that the accomplishments of Euro Disney cross cultural selling accomplishment was hapless, they did non hold accomplishments of cross cultural selling accomplishments which is the chief key in traffics in international trade like Euro Disney. They put an American subject park in the center of Europe with American outlook, American nutrient, and this did non mind to the cultural values of the Europeans. However, the new CEO in 1993, the park understood their job and made the alterations. They so started their new selling program, which included accomplishments of transverse cultural values, understanding. They started to include Gallic and European front-runners like Zoro and Mary Poppins. They publicizing run include celebrated European characters with the charming land. Within a twelvemonth, they took off trades boosted. Decision: after the acknowledgment of the job confronting Euro Disney which was the cross cultural selling accomplishment, which was bad. After some clip park understood the pending job and provided a solution, which was the usage of French in their advertisement run and so on. 3.4 Question 4 3.4.1 New subject park in Spain Spain is a state that accept and receive foreign civilizations compared to France, the Southerners receive foreign civilization with greater heat compared to the cardinal and east Europeans, in which if Euro Disney would hold launched in Spain, Disney would hold met less unfavorable judgment. But we should bear in head that, Euro Disney is really built to function the full Europe as a whole non merely Spain. Therefore, unfavorable judgment will probably come from other portion of Europe, even if Spain receives Americans with heat. Cultural profile is formed as the bases of international selling relationship, how a merchandise is being marketed in the international market, in a foreign state is based on the cultural variable nowadays in the state. In other for Disney success in marketing the subject park internationally, it will coerce them neer over underscore the importance of understanding the civilization of a foreign civilization. A subject park in any portion in Europe by and large, Spain non excluded will confront a variable per centum of imperial restraints, political hazard, civilization struggle, and economic break every bit good. Therefore, if Disney places a subject park in Spain, it is believed that the cultural difference will put a immense function in its success, as suggested earlier. Disney would hold to accommodate to the clients civilization and the civilization of Spain by and large, and integrate them into the development, execution, and operation of a new subject park. The workaholic wonts of the Americans is face-to-face of non merely Spain s focal point of life and household foremost, but by and large Europe as a continent. In the United States, people focus more on themselves and individualism is the focal point non group ( Hofstede cultural dimension ) . Decision: international selling is the map associated with civilization, what one is able to make in selling to a peculiar foreign merchandise is shaped by the cultural variables of the state. A subject park is Spain as in another portion of Europe would confront a variable proportion of, legal restraints, political hazard, civilization struggle, and economic break. 3.5 Question 5 3.5.1 The major considerations for the following Disneyworld The consideration for the following Disneyworld should be in Dubai. Dubai should be considers as the following Disneyworld location precedence. Dubai ( UAE ) is the major commercial concern hub of the Arab universe. Business skylines expand from the west seashore of the United States to the eastern Philippine archipelago. Business communities around Europe have created a fastness here as a gateway to most of Northern Africa, the Middle East and to a limited extent the Asiatic Subcontinent. Dubai seems to be a good strategic location for the Next Disney universe to be established. Dubai is seen as the portal non merely to the minority communities from Europe, Asia and America s but specifically to the Muslim universe of over one billion. Then underlying chances are huge. The parent company Disney is already a recognise figure in families of the several location UAE. The relaxed societal and cultural atmosphere Dubai possesses over Muslim provinces should non present a menace to the co ntinuity of concern at Disney in Dubai, which will be called Disney Arabia. Dubai reports a GDP ( gross domestic merchandise ) per caput of US $ 15,000 to $ 18,000, one of the highest figures in Asia. The trade balance remains a excess with over US $ 500 million. The substructure boasts entree to telecommunication installations and conveyance by land, air and H2O as province of the art. The diverse cultural communities level communicating barriers between the Arabs and exiles. All in all, Dubai posses the qualities and the right background to advance the new Disney Arabia to a wider range of people, both the conservative and the more broad, foreign and local. Therefore, lunching the new Disney subordinate is evidently non an overnight or one twenty-four hours undertaking, punctilious planning will be needed in specifying the eight P s as pertinent to the Arab universe. Decision: it is of import to larn from the errors that were made when EuroDisnay was started. Having offices and directors from the state will be damaging. Integrating Dubai civilization and analyzing the tourer activities, patterns and tendencies will be important to the devising of breakage of a Disney in Dubai. Chapter 4 4.0 Decision Euro Disney faces hapless public presentation during their first twelvemonth of operation, which makes it of import to larn from errors that were made when Euro Disney was started. Having offices and directors from the state will be damaging. Integrating the civilization and analyzing the tourer activities, patterns, and tendencies will be important to doing or breakage of a Disney new undertaking and bing one every bit good. The Disney Paris in recent old ages from 2005 began to see alterations in sells from what was generated back so as Euro Disney, and this was due to the fact that, the new direction came about looking into old managerial processs and operation, in which assisted them in understanding were the errors were made at the initial phase of the operation in the first twelvemonth, for its hapless public presentation. Cultural literacy is required to make successfully concern in any state and doing determinations based on premise should be avoided at all cost. The usage of effectual practical communicating and working is designed to assist one to pass on efficaciously as steelmakers, remote undertaking squad members and geographically spread employees. Therefore, communicating is seen as an of import key in international selling. Most transnational companies, when shiping on international selling fail to see the cross cultural selling techniques which are of import for the MNC. Bibliography Book: Cateora, P. , A ; Graham, J. , 2007. International Marketing 13th edition. McGraw-Hill America Cateora, R.P. Gilly, M.C. A ; Graham, J.L. , 2009. International selling 14th erectile dysfunction. McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, America Deresky, H. , 2002. International Management: Pull offing Across Borders and Cultures 4th erectile dysfunction. Prentice Hall, America Online: , 2010. American imperialism. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // id=22933 [ Accessed on 20 February 2010 ] America Heritage Dictionary of English linguistic communication, 4th ed. , 2000. Available at: Houghton Mifflin Company. htpp: // [ Accessed on 20 February 2010 ] Business Culture vs. French ( n.d ) . American concern civilization vs. Gallic concern civilization. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 21 January 2010 ] Small planet communicating Inc.. , 2000. America imperialism. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 20 February 2010 ] Strong, T. ( 2006 ) . Spanish cultural Commentary. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 20 January 2010 ]
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Overview of the Economics of Demand
Overview of the Economics of Demand When people think about what it means to demand something, they usually envision some sort of but I want it sort of scenario. Economists, on the other hand, have a very precise definition of demand. For them demand is the relationship between the quantity of a good or service consumers will purchase and the price charged for that good. More precisely and formally the Economics Glossary defines demand as the want or desire to possess a good or service with the necessary goods, services, or financial instruments necessary to make a legal transaction for those goods or services. Put another way, an individual must is willing, able, and ready to purchase an item if they are to be counted as demanding an item. What Demand Is Not Demand is not simply a quantity consumers wish to purchase such as 5 oranges or 17 shares of Microsoft, because demand represents the entire relationship between quantity desired of a good and all possible prices charged for that good. The specific quantity desired for a good at a given price is known as the quantity demanded. Typically a time period is also given when describing quantity demanded, since obviously the quantity demanded of an item would differ based on whether we were talking about per day, per week, and so on. Examples of Quantity Demanded When the price of an orange is 65 cents the quantity demanded is 300 oranges a week. If the local Starbucks lowers their price of a tall coffee from $1.75 to $1.65, the quantity demanded will rise from 45 coffees an hour to 48 coffees an hour. Demand Schedules A demand schedule is a table which lists the possible prices for a good and service and the associated quantity demanded. The demand schedule for oranges could look (in part) as follows: 75 cents - 270 oranges a week70 cents - 300 oranges a week65 cents - 320 oranges a week60 cents - 400 oranges a week Demand Curves A demand curve is simply a demand schedule presented in graphical form. The standard presentation of a demand curve has price given on the Y-axis and quantity demanded on the X-axis. You can see a basic example of a demand curve in the picture presented with this article. The Law of Demand The law of demand states that, ceteribus paribus (Latin for assuming all else is held constant), the quantity demanded for a good rises as the price falls. In other words, the quantity demanded and price are inversely related. Demand curves are drawn as downward sloping due to this inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. Price Elasticity of Demand The price elasticity of demand represents how sensitive quantity demanded is to changes in price.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Believing in illusion and accepting it as reality Essay
Believing in illusion and accepting it as reality - Essay Example Moreover, the media can easily give a bad name to anyone or exonerate the guilty, regardless of the truth. Thus, people are fooled and made to believe that whatever the media says is gospel truth. The media is also responsible for inventing false beliefs and prejudices, just like the shadows in the cave in Plato’s allegory. The media preaches racial discrimination, the normality of homosexuality, hatred and other forms of things that put the human being in shackles. In fact, the sign of bondage is evident in the line, â€Å"†¦and if any one tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they would put him to death†(Plato). Thus, it would be hard to disbelieve because if you have a different opinion from the rest, you will naturally be ostracized or even literally put to death. What then do we make of these people who keep on believing the illusions produced by the media? Pitiful. Indeed, as Plato asked Glaucon, â€Å"†¦do you not suppose that he [the discoverer of the sun and the visible world] would felicitate himself on the change, and pity them?†(Plato). Truly, those who have not seen the truth remain not only in their bondage but also in their
Friday, November 1, 2019
Student in University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Student in University - Essay Example As scholars say, time is a valuable resource, a distinguishing factor between success and failure. From this assertion, time management is the solution to this ever-lasting problem. Though a common phrase, the manner in which the strategy to manage time is laid dictates the end result. An ordinary behavior in many campuses around the globe is that tutors and professors dispatch course outlines and assignments at the beginning of the semester. To many students, this issue does not work to their favor since it encourages idleness. To the contrary, its advantages are more. It is from this that my strategy to strike a balance is derived. To begin with, each student need to create their own calendar from the tutor’s but subdivided in to 3 parts. The first should be a semester-long calendar. This calendar should track every important activity throughout the semester and expected deadline hence planning ahead is enhanced. A weekly calendar should follow. This weekly helps the student note when they are free within the week and make possible arrangements for any ongoing commitment. Lastly, the student should prepare a daily to-do list. In this, prioritization is encouraged. The student should check on what should be completed first with well stipulated and strict deadline. Implementation of this strategy can go a long way in enhancing proper use of time. one evident advantage is the fact that the students understands the need for slotting time to socialize and have fun, and knows when exactly to do that. For the reason, the automate result is a stroke balance between education and social
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Generals Revolt on Rumsfeld Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Generals Revolt on Rumsfeld - Essay Example This perception is based on shared perceptions and values followed by the organization and its members. The task and duty of a military leader is to create positive and supportive culture and climate based on principles, rituals and values of the military organization1. The Revolt of the Generals is a vivid example of how climate and culture caused a breach in the civil-military relations. The Revolt of the Generals is a vivid example of assault on military culture. Secretary Rumsfeld was accused in "willfully ignoring military advice and initiating the war in Iraq with a force that was too small"2. The generals state that his leadership led to low level of morale and poor climate, poor performance and personal relationships. Following Hustings (2006) culture and climate are important in the Army because connected with team spirit and commitment soldiers. It is possible to say that the Army structure is based on strong military culture supported and reinforced by soldiers and the officers3. The case of Rumsfeld portrays that a leader's behavior sets the course others follow and determine the values and other measures used to account for group actions. The responsibilities of strategic leaders include identification of a task and the quality of its fulfillment.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Negative Human Effects On Marine Resources Environmental Sciences Essay
The Negative Human Effects On Marine Resources Environmental Sciences Essay What negative effects do human activities have on Marine and Coastal resources from Addington Beach to Aliwal Shoal? The coastline of South Africa stretches for 3000km of which 80% consists of sandy beaches backed by low sand dunes. The focused areas of Addington Beach through to Aliwal Shoal, which contain diversity of fish and other species (including whales, seabirds and tunas), provide opportunities for economic and social activities including development opportunities, fishing, agriculture and recreation. These resources are important as they make up a rich asset to the Southern Coastal areas of South Africa. However, Marine and Coastal resources such as these areas all along the South African coast are being affected negatively due to driving forces mostly caused by various human activities. Pressures affecting these resources include population growth and coastal human settlements, emissions to sea by shipping and sewage and the extracting of natural resources such as fishing or sea bed mining. General pressures and effects of human influences: Population growth is the biggest driving force for environmental changes of marine and coastal resources in South Africa. The increasing population is strongly dependant on production activities to increase service and manufacturing industries and therefore is increasingly dependant on ports such as Durban Harbour for the import and export of products. Demands for food, recreation and land for housing all increase the pressures on the coastal resources. Statistics state that 30% of the South African population lives along the coastline due to in-migration of those seeking jobs, people retiring and those seeking a life of better quality. Because of this increase of dependency the coastal cities have developed rapidly and are as a result having negative influences on the marine and coastal resources. Irreversible changes are occurring due to these influences such as overexploitation of resources, destruction of natural habitats and an increase of wastes and pollution which smother and kill organisms and lead to water quality deterioration. POPULATION GROWTH GRAPH/TABLE. Emissions to sea by sewage and shipping are also a huge cause of the negative effects of marine and coastal resources. Daily industrial effluents and sewage are released into the sea via discharge pipelines near Durban Harbour and by sewage pipes all alone the south coast. These emissions are not only harmful to human health but also have a devastating effect on water quality and may contaminate many organisms. FIGURE 4.8 (effluent pipelines off the South African coast after Cloete 1979) Shipping is also a serious contributor to the degrading of marine and coastal resources. South Africa is situated on one of the biggest ship transport routes of the world and Durban Harbour is one of the few ports often stopped at. Due to weather and sea conditions and the wait to be docked in the port, major marine pollution incidents take place as oil spills and waste dumping takes place. Waters are thus polluted and these wastes and pollutions are transported along the south coast, by the Aguhlus current, and infect and destroy resources along the coastlines of South Africa. The extracting of natural resources such as fishing too affects the marine and coastal resources. Both commercial and recreational fishing are primary economic activities which together can generate more than 158 000 people and R3 billion annually (CMPP, 2005). The improvement of fishing methods results in a greater number and variety of fish being caught and as a consequence of this, fish stocks are decreasing in size and several species are facing possible extinction. Other human recreational activities, besides fishing, that may negatively affect marine and coastal resources include scuba diving or yachting. TABLE OF DATA FOR FISH NUMBERS: Durban Harbour and Addington Beach: IMAGE OF POLLUTION IN DURBAN HARBOUR: Both the Durban Harbour and Addington Beach are sound examples of coastal areas that have been urbanized and as a result are polluted and negatively effected by human activity. Shipping and the wastes excreted by the industrial companies in the Durban harbour area are a huge cost to the marine and coastal resources in the area. Fish and other animals are being killed or having their habitats affected or destroyed and the general water pollution in the area has increased drastically over the past few years and as a result the water quality has rapidly decreased. FIGURE 4.10 (Isogram depicting classification of the surf-zone at 28 sampling stations) The harbour pollution caused by oil and chemical spills, organic waste dumping and general excretions by the ships docking at the harbour or waiting out at sea to be docked in port. This pollution be the harbour is affecting the resources of surrounding beaches as well, such as North Beach, South Beach, Bay of Plenty and Addington Beach who as a result of the pollution have each lost their Blue Flag status after failing water quality tests. These losses of our Blue Flag status has also had negative effects on the tourism industry but most importantly reinforces the fact that the water quality and pollution is at an unacceptable level and the surrounding litter and destruction of the coasts have too become a state of disaster. Reports about heavily polluted water flowing into the Durban Harbour via the Umhlatuzana River for periods of nine months have also surfaced in recent years. Illegal discharges of wastes and sewage are being flooded into the Durban areas and are too polluting the water badly and destroying species and habitats and are decreasing fish stocks. (Raven, 2008). A great concern about these pollutions and wastes entering the sea near the Durban harbour and other areas is that these wastes are being transported all along the coast of South Africa via the Aguhlus current right down to areas such as Aliwal Shoal. Aliwal Shoal is not only an area being affected by wastes from human urbanization but also by recreational activities and tourism sites. IMAGE OF ALGUHLAS CURRENT Aliwal Shoal: DIAGRAM OF ALIWAL SHOAL: Aliwal Shoal is 50km south of Durban, was formed by a sand dune almost 80 000 years ago and is the home of many different species of fish and other marine organisms such as sea turtles, humpback whales, dolphins and the tiger shark. Recently there has been a hard battle to preserve Aliwal Shoal and many have taken a stand to fight for the protection of the area and marine life from pollution and tourists. Due to the research that was started over 10 years ago by the Natal Sharks Board, the region of Aliwal Shoal has been threatened by environmental pollution. Divers would report on the behaviour of sand tiger sharks at monthly meetings after observing them during dives and collecting data. During the early years of research destruction of Aliwal Shoal became a large concern as the Saiccor cellulose plant, being dumped into the ocean at Umkomaas, was untreated and was polluting the waters. The matter reduced visibility and formed foam that made beaches unusable. However, a solution to this was found by the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“South Coast Marine Pipeline Forum (SCMPLF)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The Saiccor pipelines were extended to a water treatment plant and the water quality in Aliwal started to improve. The next problem is rooted in this sudden improvement to clear water as diving tourism became very appealing to many. At certain times 20 boats can be seen on the Aliwal Shoal and some even equipped with spears for the sharks and other marine life. In 2009, a huge movement to receive the necessary protection of Aliwal Shoal from pollution and excessive diving is being driven. This unique marine region is in need of laws and regulations that protect it from any more damages to the environment that may be caused by detrimental human activities such as dumping, shipping, pollution transported from Durban Harbour and diving. (Andrew C.R, 2009).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe, son of Actress Eliza Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., :: English Literature
Edgar Allan Poe, son of Actress Eliza Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., born 19th of January 1809, was mostly known for his poems and short tales Edgar Allan Poe, son of Actress Eliza Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., born 19th of January 1809, was mostly known for his poems and short tales and his literary criticism. He has been given credit for inventing the detective story and his pshycological thrillers have been infuences for many writers worldwide. Edgar and his brother and sister were orphaned before Edgar's third birthday and Edgar was taken in to the home of John and Fanny Allan in Richmond, Va. The Allans lived in England for five years (1815-1820) where Edgar also attended school. In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia. Although a good student he was forced to gambling since John Allan did not provide well enough. Allan refused to pay Edgar's debts and Edgar had to leave the University after only one year. In 1827 Edgar published his first book, "Tamerlane and other poems" anonymously under the signature "A Bostonian". The poems were heavily influenced from Byron and showed of a youthful attitude. Later in 1827 Edgar enlisted in the Army under the name Edgar A Perry where his quarrels with John Allan continued. Edgar did well in the army but in 1829 he left and decided to apply for a cadetship at West Point. Before he was able to enter West Point Edgar published a book entitled "Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and minor poems", this time the book was published, not anonymously, but under the name Edgar A. Poe, where the middle initial acknowledged John Allan's name. Before Edgar left West Point he received financial aid from his fellow cadets to publish a third edition of the book. Edgar called it a second edition though and it was entitled "Poems by Edgar A. Poe" in which his famous poems "To Helen" (another version was published in 1848) and "Israfel" appeared. These show of the musical effect that has come to characterize Edgar's poems. Later Poe moved to Baltimore to live with his aunt, Maria Clemm, and his first cousin Virginia. In 1832 he won a $50 prize for his story "MS. Found in a Bottle" in the Baltimore Saturday Visiter. In 1835 Poe brought his aunt and cousin to Richmond where he worked with Thomas Willis White at the Southern Litterary Messenger. He also married his cousin Virginia, only thirteen years old. Most of Edgar's work with the Messenger were of a critical nature but he also published some literary work such as "Berenice".
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Social Tension of the 1920s and Nativists
Christopher Nieves The social tension of the 1920s was to a large extent due to backlash from Nativists and the KKK towards immigrants. With the immigrant surge threatening jobs and tainting the white Anglo-Saxon society, the idea of nativism began to proliferate through the minds of native born Americans. Social conflicts often came to violent ends by the hands of members of the â€Å"Ku Klux Klan†, they too had a nativist mindset however they focused primarily on African Americans but harbored hatred towards anyone who is not of Anglo-Saxon descent.These two movements made for a dangerous society, and made matters even more difficult for penniless immigrants trying to survive. Starting up around 1890 but plateauing in the 1920s nativists and labor unions fought for immigration restriction. In 1921, an emergency immigration act was passed which established a quota system that decimated the amount of immigrants granted access to the States. America had never before seen such a surge of immigrants before, over 25million people over the course of thirty years, and this was the first time that Italians, Poles, Jews and Slavs had come to America in mass.Nativists worked to do anything they could to belay immigrant progress in society, and with the economic prosperity of the twenties they realigned their beliefs behind religious and racial nativism. Following the First World War, nativists throughout the twenties focused their attention of Catholics, Jews, and southeastern Europeans. These people were different than the immigrants that had come before in that they had much more difficulty assimilating with the language barrier and even in appearance. Difficulty communicating made getting a job and education much more difficult and for Hasidic Jews stood out with their distinct religious garb.When the migrants from England and Ireland and the like came over they could communicate much easier with Americans which significantly helped them out. Well over half of the American population before the immigrant surge could trace their lineage to either the British Isles or to Germany, these people also tended to be fair-skinned and Protestant. The racial concern of the anti-immigration movement was closely linked the eugenics movement that was gaining popularity in the twenties. Nativists grew more concerned with the racial purity of the United States, uch groups as the Ku Klux Klan were able to flourish as a result of this movement. The rebirth of the KKK or the second Klan was strongly due to the anti-immigrant attitude of America in the twenties, as it had basically died out after the civil war. They also tended to view the darker-skinned, Catholic or Jewish new immigrants as â€Å"inferior†and lacking the Anglo-Saxon temperament required to maintain a free society. Furthermore these â€Å"threats to society†lacked work ethic, self-discipline and could not be trusted not to throw their votes away to machine politics which wer e largely successful during this time period.The film The Birth of a Nation was released in 1915 glorified the KKK, and although its director didn’t intend to, the film helped gain the Klan popularity. At first the Klan like it always had focused on intimidating blacks, however focus turned towards Catholics, Jews and foreigners. The Klan devoted itself to purging American life basically of anyone not a white Anglo-Saxon, proving their devotion by lynching impure, foreign people and burning crosses.To say this hate was group engaged in â€Å"social conflicts†is an understatement. The economic prosperity of the â€Å"roaring twenties†overshadowed its escalating social tension. Although America was colonized by immigrants, the â€Å"nativist†movement worked to throttle immigration and ostracize migrants viewing them as impure and inferior. The hypocrisy of the entire movement is incredible. Extremist groups like the KKK took racism to a new level resorti ng to medieval tactics like lynching and cross burning.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
History of Las Vegas, Nevada Essay
Las Vegas, translated from Spanish as â€Å"the meadows†was discovered and thus established in 1829 by the Mexican merchant Antonio Armijo, who led a trade caravan of 60 men creating a trade route to Los Angeles. Ironically, what historically was established as a mere transition point on a route, became one of the most remarkable places in the United States, â€Å"a pearl in a desert. †Practically, the rapid growth of Las Vegas as both a tourist destination and a community is directly related to the development of the image of Las Vegas. Even though Nevada was the last state to outlaw gambling in 1909 and the first state subsequently to legalize gambling in 1931, Las Vegas city fathers were more concerned with the divorce laws than reinstating gambling, and throughout most of the 1930s, gambling remained a sideline for Las Vegas. But the eighth wonder of the world, as Boulder Dam was then billed, â€Å"began to funnel a torrent of tourists†to the Las Vegas Valley (Boorstin, 1987:3). Las Vegas leaders envisioned their town as a Nevada Palm Springs. Alan Hess, in his book Viva Las Vegas, observes, â€Å"They began to promote their characteristic western identity, the desert scenery, a social mix of laissez-faire government and neighborly hospitality embodied in speedy divorces and easy gambling†(Hess, 1993:19). In 1932, a year after the legalization of gambling, the then-luxurious, three-story Hotel Apache opened in downtown Las Vegas. With a motif of Native American design and an elevator to the supper club on top, the Apache was the most modern for its day. By 1936, the dam was completed and Las Vegas, with no more big payroll checks from dam workers, was beginning an economic slump. But, between 1938 and 1942 several changes occurred to avert the slump. In 1938, Los Angeles Mayor Fletcher Brown had begun enforcing the no gambling laws in California and many California gamblers moved to Las Vegas. Guy McAfee, a police captain and commander of the vice squad, was one of these California gamblers who moved into Las Vegas where he purchased the Pair-O-Dice Club in 1939. McAfee is credited with naming that part of the Los Angeles Highway which came into Las Vegas as â€Å"The Strip†in fond memory of the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. It would be several years before ‘The Strip†would gain its present day fame. Federal intervention also assisted the Las Vegas economy when President Roosevelt’s administration ordered air bases throughout the country. In 1940 Las Vegas received an air training station on the outskirts of town, and in 1941, Basic Magnesium, Inc. (BMI) was built, which created the city of Henderson. †Las Vegas found itself with two new industries-recreation provided by the dam and lake, and defense, provided by the training station and BMI. The recreation (tourism) and defense industries would shape many western cities throughout the rest of the century. Fremont Street, Las Vegas’s main thoroughfare, boomed. As Don Knepp said in Las Vegas Entertainment Capital, â€Å"There also emerged the image of Las Vegas as the glamorous hub for vacations in the Southwest†(Knepp, 1987:31). The city leaders had begun promoting Las Vegas as a tourist Mecca, and the WPA Guide to Nevada, the Silver State, 1940, seemed to approve of the methods when it said of Las Vegas, â€Å"No cheap and easily parodied slogans have been adopted to publicize the city, no attempt has been made to introduce pseudo-romantic architectural themes, or to give artificial glamour and gaiety†(Hess, 1993:20). 941 saw further growth for the Strip and downtown. The El Rancho opened with a dude ranch theme and atmosphere. Built by Californian Thomas E. Hull, the El Rancho established a pattern of roadside landmarks, vistas and signs that broke with the tradition of downtown Las Vegas hotels and realized a vision that would mold the city’s current form. The El Rancho duplicated the easy accessibility of the roadside motel, but with much more grandeur. While the downtown Hotel Apache was fancy, the El Rancho was lavish. Downtown, the El Cortez opened. Built by Californians Marion Hicks and John Grayson and although multistory, as most downtown hotels were, the El Cortez also kept to the western or Spanish theme. After stopping at the El Rancho, William J. Moore and R. E. Griffith, realizing the potential of thousands of gambling customers from the gunnery school, built the Last Frontier. Opening in October 1942, the Last Frontier also western in theme, was larger and more opulent than the El Rancho. McAfee, not satisfied with owning just the Pair-O-Dice Club, tried to upstage the El Rancho by building the Pioneer Club at Fremont and First Streets. Also consciously western in style, the Pioneer Club opened in 1942. Even though western in design, as late as 1947 Las Vegans were amazed that something so lavish as the El Rancho could succeed so far from downtown. The success of the El Rancho, the Pioneer Club and the Last Frontier was impressive enough that the city boosters considered making the western theme mandatory for Fremont Street. Although many downtown casino owners followed suit, the idea was never formally adopted. As Las Vegas became more savvy about the potential of a tourist economy, it began to exploit its western heritage more consciously. In keeping with the western motif, dude ranches replaced motels to provide divorce seekers a place to stay until their six weeks residency requirements were met The western influence provided a successful venue for divorce interests and gambling, two of the leading economic factors for Las Vegas. Close behind McAfee was Bugsy Siegel, who began by taking over the Las Vegas race betting wires, and, as a representative of Al Capone, â€Å"muscled out the Continental Press Service and gained part ownership of several Fremont Street Clubs including the Pioneer Club. Although there was already an obscure element of â€Å"gangsters†in Las Vegas, Siegel was publicly known for his ties to organized crime. Siegel brought with him the negative aspect of the influence of organized crime, but he also brought the positive aspect of establishing a landmark luxury resort with the building of his Flamingo which broke with the western theme. The half-finished Flamingo officially opened with Jimmy Durante as entertainment in 1946; finances forced closure of the resort four weeks later, but the Flamingo reopened in 1948. Knepp credits Siegel with bringing extensive national exposure to Las Vegas; the notoriety attached to â€Å"the Fabulous Flamingo†branded Las Vegas as an underworld haven, a reputation that has persisted (Knepp, 1987:32). World War II created a shortage of construction materials which also created most of the financial difficulties Siegel experienced while building the Flamingo. But the federal government, including the war and defense spending, contributed greatly to Nevada, especially Las Vegas. Eugene P. Moehring states in his book, Resort City in the Sunbelt, that â€Å"Defense spending was an obvious by-product of the worldwide conflict. But, like the dam earlier, World War II strengthened the town’s recreational economy†(Moehring, 1995:40). The war also brought some disadvantages such as curfews, which cut profits by closing casinos from 2 to 10 a. m. and meat rationing, which caused some restaurants to close. â€Å"Clearly, the national emergency cr eated many problems for Las Vegas†(Moehring, 1995:40). Yet, much the same as Hoover Dam before it, World War II represented a bonanza for the small town’s economy. The war helped confirm gambling as Las Vegas’s main postwar industry; â€Å"By partially depriving the city of tourists for almost four years, the war magnified their [tourists] importance in the minds of promoters†(Moehring, 1995:40). The end of the World War II brought an end to the shortages of construction materials which had plagued Siegel and the 1950s brought the largest growth expansion in American history. This expansion occurred in the western United States, led by the state of Nevada. As 1950 opened, Nevada contained approximately 160,000 residents: by 1955, the population was about 245,000, a rise of more than 53 percent (Glass, 1981:39). By the end of the 1950s, Nevada’s population had increased 75 percent, to 285,000 residents, making it the fastest-growing state in the country. During this expansion, Nevada’s economy flourished thanks to mining, to the Freeport Law and to the test site in Las Vegas. But, it was gambling that brought about the unprecedented growth. By 1955, mining still outstripped gambling by just under $100,000, but as Jane Glass, in her book Nevada’s Turbulent 50% asked, â€Å"Who noticed? Well, of course the people who were working the mines noticed and the tax collectors who pulled in the highest amount on record but, â€Å"almost nobody else†(Glass, 1981:92) which seems to imply that Nevada, especially Las Vegas, had forgotten the rich economy of mining, preferring instead to credit gambling as the biggest bo on the state’s economy. The Freeport Law was the legacy of Edwin Bender, an administrator for a federal agency in charge of storing strategic war material, when he discovered a shortage of space in which to store the items. By the end of the 1940s, Bender found himself with a surplus of space and a shortage of goods. Later, when the county tax assessor evaluated some of the items for tax purposes, Bender felt the taxation to be unfair. He wrote a proposal for what became the Freeport bill and with the help of Nevada Attorney General Alan Bible, who drew up the bill. Owners of warehouses and light manufacturing firms found Nevada’s tax climate substantially to their liking and, the Freeport Law became a significant economic advantage. After twenty-five years, three-quarters of a billion dollars worth of goods were being shipped yearly by truck and rail from the warehouses in the state (Glass, 1981:44). Although initially slow to move, the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce became deeply involved in designing and planning for tourists as early as 1944. The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce and its boosters, fearing for the postwar economy sponsored a fund raiser to raise $75,000 as a budget for promoting the city as a tourist destination. During the war, the two largest industries had been the Army Air Base and Basic Magnesium, Inc. Surveys and research led the Chamber to the conclusion that tourism was now the best means to a good economy and the Chamber set out to attract visitors. Before long however, Las Vegas found it had to deal with the underworld image that had grown up thanks to â€Å"Bugsy†Siegel and others. The Chamber of Commerce tried several different public relations firms and advertising firms to draw attention away from the negative publicity of gangsters as well as the wild city image previously promoted. When these firms failed to promote the city in what Las Vegans and the Chamber felt was a positive way, the Chamber hired the West Marquis Agency to handle promotion. The West Marquis Agency was subsequently replaced when the Chamber felt it too had failed. It appears the Chamber need not have worried. Surveys now have shown that during the time of heavy gangster influence, tourists came to Las Vegas in the hopes of actually seeing a gangster. Knepp supports this view, â€Å"For most visitors in the 1940s, however, the reputed underworld ties seemed only to highlight the city’s wide open appeal. †(Knepp, 1987:32). Nevertheless, by the 1950s, promoting Las Vegas and creating the acceptable image had become a concerted effort of the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, the city and the casinos who hired their own communication specialists. Contemporary Las Vegas is a place famous for extremely high concentration of world largest and what is more important, famous, casinos, among which are Stratosphere Hotel and Tower, the Las Vegas Hilton, the Rio Suites, the Gold Coast, the Maxim, the San Reno, the Continental, the new Paris and the smaller Hard Rock, Luxor, and the Circus Circus. Las Vegas Valley and its dominant industry generate a great many statistics, some misleading, others conflicting. In 1995-96, gamblers left behind $3. billion at the machines, tables, and sports books of the Strip compared to $683 million Downtown, a fact that gives some idea of the relative importance of the two in the industry that created and still runs Las Vegas (Littlejohn and Gran, 1999:2-3). Las Vegas has more hotel rooms than any other city in the world (more than a hundred thousand in 1998, with twenty thousand more either planned or under construction), and the highest average hotel-occupancy rate (87 to go percent) of any American city. In 1995, the Zagat Guide estimated that it offered the lowest average daily hotel room rate of the thirty-three leading U. S. visitor destinations. Moreover, Las Vegas currently contains nine of the world’s ten largest hotels. Las Vegas claims to be the number-one tourist destination in the U. S. , with more than 30 million visitors a year. Nevada had in 1996 both the highest marriage rate (ten times the national average, due primarily to out-of-state couples who come to Las Vegas and Reno to marry) and the highest divorce rate (more than double the national average). According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports for 1995, Las Vegas had the highest total crime rate and the highest rate of crimes against property among all American cities with more than 250,000 people (Littlejohn and Gran, 1999:5). Police reports for that year placed Las Vegas fourth among U. S. metropolitan areas of over a million population – after Miami, Phoenix, and Oklahoma City – in the rate of all serious crimes; 14. 7 percent of these were called â€Å"violent. â€
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